Adult Autism and ADHD York and North Yorkshire – Next wave of engagement May 2024


Summary of focus groups 

Continuing our engagement to help transform and develop a sustainable adult autism and ADHD assessment service in York and North Yorkshire the next wave of engagement consisted of a blend of Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) focus groups and hosted with the help of community partners across York and North Yorkshire.


The focus groups were an opportunity to share everything we had done based on what we heard; to get the views from people with lived experience on the draft proposals and to check we are on the right track. As well as gather insight on what good pre and post assessment support would look like, a concern dominated throughout the earlier engagement. The feedback will inform the final recommendations as we exit the pilot in summer 2024.


To enable us to learn from previous events, the focus groups were shaped with the involvement of the neurodivergent community to maximise opportunities for those with lived experience. For example, a discussion guide (presentation) was shared in advance, photos of all the staff to be present at events so that people are familiar with faces, shared a video of the venue and access points, dedicated a staff member responsible for health and wellbeing and a separate quiet room available. Each focus group to have no more than twelve participants to allow constructive conversation and participation. Providing designated health and wellbeing support at the ICB events and a quiet room available if required. By way of thanks, everyone who took part in a focus group received a £30 (thirty pounds) gift voucher for giving up their time.


Community partner hosted groups

The community partners we worked with were: 

·         Neurodiverse York focus group took place Saturday 22 March 2024, with thirteen members involved. 

·         York Disability Rights Forum focus group was held 28 March 2024, a total of twelve participants attended.

·         Catterick Neurodiverse Group,  to be held May 2024.

ICB hosted focus groups

The ICB hosted three focus groups across North Yorkshire following the same format. 

·         The first focus group was held in Harrogate, on 2 April 2024.  A total of five signed up to attend the event and four attended on the day.

·         The second event was held virtually on 3 April 2024.  In total ten registered to attend and seven attended on the night.

·         The third event took place in Scarborough, on 8 April 2024. In total five signed up and 4 attended on the day.


All ICB focus groups, proved successful in that they enabled participants to be involved, contribute to active conversations and share experiences. Those present welcomed having the proposals explained in detail and the opportunity to share their views.


The key themes raised from participants through the focus groups were:

·         To be open and honest with people from the outset and manage peoples' expectations

·         To improve communications - explain the referral process and the waiting times

·         For there to be greater awareness of autism and ADHD